Our Services
We provide and augment government agency needs for professional service personnel.
We hire and manage staff worldwide through our global network working with our clients to accomplish their mission and project goals.
We provide and augment government agency needs for professional service personnel.
We hire and manage staff worldwide through our global network working with our clients to accomplish their mission and project goals.
We provide global services that assist governments with capacity building
and health systems strengthening.
We work with government agencies and organizations on projects and initiatives that
impact general and key populations. This spans across a wide range of disciplines and
fields including communication, hygiene, epidemiology, disease control and prevention
domestically and internationally.
- Strategic Communication Services
- Health Behavioral and Education Services
- Epidemiological and Strategic Information Services
- Global Health Security
- Program Management
- Emergency Response to Infectious Diseases
- Environmental Health Consulting Services
- Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation
We work with our clients to improve reliability in financial data and enhance confidence in your processes, procedures, and financial status.
Many times, organizations are losing money, profit margins, and control of their cash flow. We help companies identify where weaknesses exist in their operations which then empowers them to implement the needed changes.
We access, implement, support and enhance.
- Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Management Advisory Services
- Program Audits
- Internal Audits
- IRS Representation
- Review of Historical Financial Statements
- Compliance Review
We partner with international development agencies to implement assistance projects by providing people, systems, and programs to facilitate locally led development.
We support government agencies and local partners domestically and internationally by
providing personnel, policies, practices, processes, and systems to enable successful
implementation, learning, and capacity building.
We have a decade of experience working on localization with local partners to build local
Work We Do
what we Value
Rumph is firmly committed to excellence and creating innovative, value-driven, flexible and transparent solutions for our federal government and private sector clients in domestic and International locations. We have a reputation for providing exemplary services and reducing the burden placed upon our clients and partners.
Here are a few examples of our contracts:
CDC Field Support Officers for Ebola Response Support Services – Democratic Republic of Congo)DRC) (2019 – present)
- Further the CDC’s mission and activities in informing the Ministries of Health on Ebola prevention and control strategies, surveillance, Ebola response improvements, immunization program implementation, data management, virus containment, and follow on activities.
CDC-International, Technical, Operational, Professional Support Services IDIQ (ITOPSS) – Atlanta , Ga and 84 countries ( 2018-present)
Rumph and Associates was awarded several task orders to assist various Ministries of Health to plan and implement evidence based public health programs and expand the CDC’s global health programs that focus on the leading causes of mortality, morbidity and disability, especially chronic disease and injuries. As part of this mission, Rumph works with the CDC and MOH to implement programs to ensure that people around the world will live safer, healthier lives through protecting Americans at home and abroad from health threats via international prevention, detection and response networks. Rumph with the CDC addresses critical global public health challenges through working with a diverse set of partners to support the development and implementation of culturally-appropriate public health interventions. The health promotion activities, both domestically and abroad, contributes to reductions in global morbidity and mortality.
CDC Domestic Professional/Technical, Administrative and Medical Support Services IDIQ (DPAMSS) – Atlanta, GA & other countries) (2016-present)
Rumph has various task orders to support Professional, Technical and Medical Support Services
Rumph provides short term and long term medical services to various offices within the United States in support of the CDC as outlined in the individual task orders. Rumph team members have contributed to designing, managing, and implementing programs for global health activities to include but not limited to HIV/AIDS, Infectious Diseases, Global Disease Detection {GDD), training of staff, population, and basic education activities. This list is not all inclusive of the activities that are supported by CDC. As the support of global health initiatives increase, this contract will allow Rumph and Associates to continue to support and provide tasks that fall into three categories of assistance: support services, professional services, and medical/scientific services.

CDC Caribbean Cooperative Agreement Management – Caribbean – (2014-present)
Rumph staff has successfully increased the effectiveness of CDC Caribbean Regional Office’s programs by strengthening and enhancing cooperative agreement management services to funded activities and programs across local, regional and international audiences.
CDC-PEPFAR Expenditure Analysis\Reporting (Phases I-VI) – Multi-country (2012-present)
In-country one-on-one technical assistance provided to PEPFAR’s Implementing Partners (IPs) to build capacity across IPs in understanding expenditure analysis methodology, collecting accurate information, using technology and systems to report this information with country offices and collecting lessons learned from this process.
CDC Public Health Communication Services in Mozambique – (2015-2020)
Rumph communication specialists have assisted CDC-Mozambique with developing and implementing a systematic, proactive public affairs approach to external communication, with policy makers, implementing partners & stakeholders, the general public and internal parties to optimize performance and organizational goal achievement. We also provided media relations services to ensure CDC-Mozambique is able to effectively communicate about its global health activities.
Technical and Logistical Services for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) Surveillance in Pakistan – (2018-2019)
Rumph provided technical support to engage key Pakistani agriculture and human health partners to CCHF surveillance activities in Pakistan. We facilitated a laboratory workshop at Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), assessed selected animal health laboratory facilities for their current capability to implement diagnostic techniques for CCHF, and we also provided training and mentoring to Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel to improve disease surveillance, detection, and response to outbreaks by providing classroom training in applied epidemiology and leading applied activities and field investigations. Our epidemiologists also worked with other US Government and non-USG partners in country to strengthen disease surveillance, response efforts, biosecurity/biosafety, and workforce capacity, and assist the country in reaching Global Health Security and International Health Regulation goals.
CDC Transportation Services Office Fleet Management Services – Atlanta, GA – (2016-2019)
- Operate the agency’s intra-campus shuttle service, its motor pool, execution of clerical/administrative tasks, and the continued automation of Transportation Services Office processes
USAID Liberia International Foundation for Electoral systems(IFES) Audit – (2019)
Rumph and Associates conducted a financial audit of the USAID resources that was managed by IFES.
CDC Scientific Writing Advisors – Africa & Asia – (2017-2018)
Scientific Writing Advisor. Provide scientific and writing support to countries in Africa and Asia(Tanzania, Indonesia, Uganda, Thailand). Provide support and technical expertise is critical to the achievement of the overall efforts and requirements of the GHSA.
CDC Logistical Support – Vehicle Transportation Services – Sierra Leone (2016-2018)
Providing reliable, operational and logistical emergency transportation services in Ebola-effected areas in Sierra Leone. Services include sourcing vehicles, management of driver schedules, lodging, financial management services, and reporting of all logistical services.

CDC Zika Outbreak Response: Administrative and Technical Support Services for the Dengue Branch- Puerto Rico – (2016 to 2018)
Rumph provided professional, technical and administrative labor to the Dengue Branch in Puerto Rico in support of the Zika response. The Dengue Branch detects and subtypes dengue viral strains; provides quality control services for serological and virological diagnostic tests obtained by national laboratories in the Americas; maintains prototype and reference strains of dengue viruses; assists in training on laboratory techniques; and, upon request, participates in investigations of dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).
Kenya FELTP Support Services Nairobi, Kenya – (2014-2017)
Provide field epidemiology training implementation services to support technical and operational activities in support of CDC Kenya’s public health activities and FELTP activities in capacity building in epidemiology.
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Audit – (2015)
Completed a forensic audit to evaluate processes and controls and examine evidence providing sufficient information to assure CDC that funding is being used exclusively to support the purposes of the cooperative agreement with KEMRI and is being properly reported, accounted for and not misapplied or misused; in compliance with USG; GAGAS and the CFR.
Rwanda Audit Services (2015)
Rumph worked with CDC and PEPFAR implementing partner on this audit contract to obtain a program specific audit of the Rwanda Ministry of Health Cooperative Agreement with emphasis on Health for Human Resource Program, which is a sub-activity of a larger Ministry of Health cooperative agreement.
Uganda Audit Services (2014)
Uganda CDC works with several Host government agencies and Non – governmental organizations in Uganda to implement the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) activities. These efforts include interaction via acquisition and assistance funding mechanisms with international government agencies, small local recipients, academic institutions and private businesses at the CDC field office in Uganda. Rumph worked with CDC on a special audit of the National Medical Stores, a grant recipient.